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AEOE-LAUSD Scholarships

AEOE-LAUSD recognizes the continuing need for well-trained and qualified students who want to go to college to pursue their career in an occupation of their choice.

High School Seniors: The Association of Educational Office Employees of the Los Angeles Unified School District recognizes the continuing need for well-trained and qualified students who want to go to college to pursue their career in an occupation of their choice.  In order to increase interest in their professional goals, AEOE will award one hundred (100) $2,000 scholarships to Los Angeles Unified School District high school seniors and five (5) $2,000 adult school students obtaining their high school diploma.

The 2025-26 Applications are due on February 11, 2025

2020-2021 Scholarhship Application

AEOE Members: The Association of Education Office Employees of the Los Angeles Unified School District recognizes the continuing need for well-trained and qualified employees who want to go to college to pursue their career in an occupation of their choice. In order to increase interest in their professional goals, AEOE will award up to three (3) $2,000 scholarships to qualifying AEOE members, member's child, or grandchild (up to 25 years of age).

The 2025-26 Applications are due on February 11, 2025


Association of Educational Office Employees - Los Angeles Unified School District
P.O. Box 227186, Los Angeles, CA 90022 • (323) 725 - 7266

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c Photos of 2013 Awards Luncheon