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• To promote the general welfare and best interests of all educational office employees.
• To maintain rapport and satisfactory working relationships with administration.
• To operate with integrity, honesty and reason to gain recognition and improved conditions of employment for the educational office employee.
• To upgrade its members through continuing education and professional growth incentive programs.
• To increase efficiency, effectiveness and personal satisfaction in service to the district and to youth.

The Creed

I believe in the Association of Educational Office Employees as an organization of the members, by the members, for the members; whose power is derived from the consent of the members; an independent organization; a united unit of professional, technical, business and clerical personnel; established upon those principles of freedom and choice, equality, justice and professionalism to which office employees have dedicated their time, money and efforts for the past 83 years.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my association to support it; to abide by its Bylaws; to respect its Declaration to Principles; to honor its Code of Ethics; to participate in and contribute to its efforts to improve the quality of life for all educational office employees.

Code of Ethics 
as adopted by AEOE - December 7, 1977

Recognized the role of the educational office employee in the rapidly changing field of education, it is incumbent upon such employees to periodically evaluate attitudes and efficiency.  The LAUSD Association of Educational Office Employees offers the following standards of performance as guidelines for evaluation.


The educational office employee takes pride in the profession and strives for a finer and more efficient service to education and to the community, endeavoring always to be a credit to the profession.

The educational office employee values and maintains membership in local, state and national professional associations and participates in their activities, thereby enhancing the professional status of all educational office employees.


The educational office employee is courteous, sensitive, just and professional in all contacts with staff members, students and members of the community.

The educational office employee respects the necessity for confidentiality of information; integrity in handling school business; tact and compassion in personal relationships; loyalty to the educational institution; and pride and respect for the individual.

The educational office employee recognizes and performs all the duties of citizenship, giving loyalty to the Educational System, the State and the Nation.

The educational office employee performs assigned duties accurately and expeditiously, presenting an image of quality and skill.

The educational office employee maintains a high level of efficiency through study, travel and other available means in order to be apprised of current trends in good educational and business practices.

The educational office employee appreciates that education, in any form, is a personal growth experience and welcomes the opportunities for extension of knowledge and improvement of performance.

The educational office employee practices the qualities, which promote good human relations and good public relations.

Association of Educational Office Employees - Los Angeles Unified School District
5710 East Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90022 • (323) 725 - 7266

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