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Membership Application 

Submit your completed application to either:

email to:

or via US Mail to AEOE P.O. Box 227186 Los Angeles, CA 90022

Download the membership form here

Membership Requirements

Active Membership: All educational office employees of the Los Angeles Unified School District should be eligible for active membership. Active members shall be entitled to all the rights, benefits, and privileges of the Association, including voting rights and holding an office, upon payment of annual dues. 

Retired Membership: Former active Los Angeles Unified School District members, upon retirement, may continue as retired members of the Association upon payment of annual dues. Such members shall be entitled to all rights, benefits, and privileges of the Association including vote.

Association of Educational Office Employees - Los Angeles Unified School District
P.O. Box 227186, Los Angeles, CA 90022 • (323) 725 - 7266

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